It will be a privilege and strength to become a member in a strong association with a solid membership base which addresses the welfare and the problems of a large number of internal physicians in Sri Lanka.

SLCIM is currently planning to  become a member of the International Society of Internal Medicine and the American college of Physicians, through which members will be benefited by international collaborative activities.

Some of the other benefits for the members are highlighted below

  • Ability to voice your opinion in all issues affecting internal medicine specialists
  • Preference to members in all society activities.
  • Ability to publish research in the SLCIM journal.
  • Entitlement of voting rights to select office bearers in the Annual General Meeting.
  • Participation in programs which enhance knowledge among physicians.
  • Ability to participate in the CME activities organized by SLCIM to educate doctors and other health care personnel as resource persons.
  • Ability to contribute towards the heath education programs for the general public organized by the SLCIM.
  • Reduction of registration fee in all SLCIM academic sessions.
  • Life membership card which will help other organizations to recognize you as a member of SLCIM